Discovering the treasure of being enough
No matter who we are and what we’ve accomplished, it never seems to be enough. From the imposter syndrome that so many successful women suffer from to the daily stress of always needing more, there seems to be an underlying discontent with where we are in our lives.
WHAT’S MY WORTH is a unique personal development workshop (online or in-person) inspired by the award-winning two-woman musical, MONEY TALKS: But What the Hell is it Saying, an autobiographical show about our relationship to money, success, and self-worth. An entertaining and innovative program revolving around musical elements and scenes from the show, WHAT’S MY WORTH draws on modern and ancient wisdom teachings, along with music, storytelling, journaling, and improvisational writing, to rediscover our creative spirit and reclaim the power of our true voice.
Empowering Strategies To Realize Your Big Idea
Almost everyone has a big idea. But how willing are we – and how brave are we - to meet the enormous ups and downs facing every entrepreneur, especially women! As the playwrights, performers, and producers of MONEY TALKS, as well as the CEOs of an edutainment company, this seminar offers hard-won insights and perspectives from our transformative eight-year venture.
Based on our 2nd book, MONEY TALKS: 6 1/2 Golden Rules to Befriending Success, Failure, and Self-Worth, this motivational program guides entrepreneurs through a series of surprising (and fun!) strategies to overcome challenges and keep moving forward.
HARnessing the transformative power of creativity
When CEOs were asked by US News and World Report, to name the skill they valued most in their people, they answered creativity. And approximately 60% of CEOs polled in a Fast Company article cited creativity as the most important leadership quality. Add to that a global study that reported 75% of people don’t think they’re living up to their creative potential.
In this interactive and entertaining workshop, we’ll take serious and not so serious events from our personal and professional lives on a wild musical ride. Writing original songs, poetry, monologues, and scenes (and you’ll have lots of help!), we will learn how to bring a playful, witnessing presence to the daily challenges and obstacles in our lives. In the end, we walk away with the ability to look at conflicts and problems with a fresh new light-hearted perspective.
“In our need to be somebody we often forget we are somebody.”
- Eric Micha’el Leventhal